The smell of salt in the sand floated up to my nose as I dug a hole to find underground water. Tan sand, the color of Jupiter, tickled my palm like a feather, and the damp sand below turned grey, signifying that water was near. The sound of sparkling water alerted me that a wave had just crashed behind me. Scooping the prickly sand with my hand like an excavator felt like I was in a dream. With a pyramid of sand as big as a watermelon near the hole, the water finally flowed into my hands like I was washing them.
After I found the ice-cold water, my dad said, “Ok, Kai-Kai, time to go home.” My hands felt like they had traveled to Antarctica and back. With a skip in my step, I packed up, looking forward to hopping into the warm and comfortable car. But, when my dad tried to open my door, it only opened an inch. He tried again, and it still only opened an inch. “Huh, that’s weird,” my dad said. Then, he called the car company, and they said they would send a truck to inspect the car.
While we were waiting, the sky turned purple and pink before the sun sunk behind the horizon. I heard a rumbling noise and assumed the truck had arrived. The mechanic inspected the vehicle and told my dad that he needed to call another truck with a supercharger. Because of that, we had to wait again. I was worried about Mommy and my little one-month-old sister, Rei Rei.
When the next truck came, the mechanic said the charger he had was too small. My dad rolled his eyes, and I sighed. Luckily, there was a bench nearby, and once I sat down, a big, frenzy of vampire bats fluttered all around me. I panicked, thinking they were going to attack. “Dada! Can you please help m
e? Can you get these bats away?” I yelled as I waved my hands around, but the bats kept nipping at my fingers.
Finally, the third truck came with a bigger supercharger. He tried to charge our car, but the charger was not the right shape. To my dad’s relief, the mechanic decided to call a tow truck. At this point, it was getting cold and dark, and vampire bats were fluttering everywhere. The tow truck arrived quickly and took our car away, while my dad called an Uber. We were all relieved and happy to head home.
For more writing by Kai, check out his blog, Kai's Creations.