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It's All in the Perspective • by Emmy Age 9

Updated: Sep 8, 2019

Perspective #1

I stormed to my room and opened my favorite book, desperate to escape from the sound of screaming banshees and yowling cats. I flipped through the worn pages, deep in the story. Right at my favorite part, my door burst open and Maddie ran inside. “Emmy, will you play with me?” she said. Angrily, I shoved the book aside.

“Maddie, go downstairs and play with your toys. Leave me alone,” I said between gritted teeth. All I wanted was to read!

“No!” She said stubbornly.

“Maddie! Go Away, now! Go or I’ll get Mom!” I yelled.

“Please, Emmy?” she asked.

“Go away!” I shouted.

“FINE!” she yelled. She stomped out and slammed the door. I rolled my eyes. Maddie was so annoying!


Perspective #2

I was lonely. Everyone was busy. I tiptoed up the stairs and down the hallway. I crept to Emmy’s bedroom door and reached out my hand to turn the doorknob. My hand got closer, and closer, and… I hesitated. I knew Emmy was reading and had a reputation for disliking being disturbed, but…I turned the doorknob anyway and burst into the room. Emmy looked up from her impossibly thick book. The text was so small I couldn’t read anything.

“Emmy, will you play with me?” I said in my most innocent, adorable voice.

“Maddie, go downstairs and play with your toys. Leave me alone,” said Emmy, very rudely. My feelings were hurt. All I wanted was to play!

“No!” I said bravely.

“Maddie! Go Away, now! Go or I’ll get Mom!” Emmy yelled. Tears gathered in my eyes, spilling down my cheeks.

“Please, Emmy?” I tried.

“Go away!” She shouted.

“FINE!” I cried. I tried to look confident as I stormed out of the room, and jumped into my flowery bedding. I cried. Emmy was so mean!

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