I was reading a book about how the sun would explode and humans would all cease to exist. This frightened me because I was worried for the survival of the human race. I recalled reading something called the “multiverse” in my space encyclopedia. I desperately hoped that multiverses existed and I decided to do some research.
One reason I wanted to believe that multiverses exist is because when the universe ends, if we have the technology, we could be safe if we went to a different multiverse. My theory was that the multiverse is a collection of universes. I thought the multiverse must exist because if the big bang happened once, couldn’t it happen again? I thought it could, especially since there is an energy that powered the big bang. Since this energy can never be used up, it seemed almost certain that it could continue to fuel more big bangs and therefore, more multiverses. Maybe our big bang was not the first. I believed that the multiverse is a collection of universes. I thought the multiverse exists because if the big bang happened once, couldn’t it happen again, especially since there is an energy powering the big bang? Since this energy can never be used up, it seems almost certain that it would continue to fuel more big bangs and therefore, more multiverses. Maybe our big bang was not the first.
I also thought that the multiverse is probably not a parallel universe because if it exists then it would have to have had a completely different big bang, with completely different planets and solar systems. Therefore, it would be a completely different universe, not one that would be exactly the same as ours.
In his TED talk and Live Science article by astrophysicist Brian Greene, he explains that our universe uses exactly this much dark energy to speed up the rate that the galaxies are moving away from each other. Incredibly, this is the amount of dark energy used to speed up the rate of the expansion:
00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000138. Any more or any less dark energy would mean that nothing would form.
In my interview with astronomer Dr.Pepper of Lehigh University, he explained that dark energy is not needed to form matter, but to keep the expansion of the universe going. He explained that many people use the word “invisible” to talk about something unseen. Brian Greene used the term invisible fuel in his TED talk to talk about the energy powering the big bang. Dr. Pepper told me to use the term “energy,” instead of “invisible fuel”. I also learned that dimensions and universes are two completely different things. Dimensions are height, width, and depth. That is why we call things three-dimensional. Time can be considered a fourth dimension. Multiverses are completely different, seeing as they are cosmic entities. Every other universe, “likely have the same number of dimensions as we do.”
Based on my research, I learned a great deal. I am now even more sure that the multiverses exist. Although both scientists had somewhat different opinions, they still agreed on one thing; that the multiverse most likely exists. I learned a lot more about the multiverse theory. The biggest difference between a fact and a theory is that a fact can be proven by a scientific experiment. I learned from Dr. Pepper that a theory could be strengthened by other observations that seem to support that theory. No matter how much support there may be for a theory, it can still be disproven by one future experiment. I do not think that we will be able to flee to a different universe because if there is no matter in any other universe then we will be even worse off in that universe than we would be here.
My hopes for the future are that I will one day be able to prove that multiverses exist. I also hope that we will be able to prove that dark matter and dark energy exist because without that, this multiverse theory cannot be proven. We humans are incredibly lucky to live in a universe where everything is precisely the way we need it to survive.